

Are you feeling like your life is off kilter? Are you putting a ton of attention into some areas of your life and ignoring others? If so it is time you conduct a Life Audit so you can achieve a balanced existence.Before you tell me balance isn't possible, it's actually essential for your mental well being because this is underpinned by finding levels of meaning within your daily tasks and activities.If a lot of your life is out of balance, then you're not going to be satisfied, you're not going to be fulfilled, and you're not even going to have your basic psychological needs met.In short, you're not going to be happy.While I'm not an advocate for saying that you can have a 10 out of 10 balanced life across all areas, you can be way more consciousness about what is holding you back, which areas of your life are going great, and which ones you want to put more effort and time into and prioritize to feel like you are living your best life!So, how do we actually figure out where we're out of balance? How do