Wood Talk

Matt's Little Thing



It’s show #566 On today’s show, we’re doing another Oops! All Questions episode. We’re talking about some new tools, the longevity of glue joints, uses for CNC, and domestic hardwood alternatives.Sponsored by YouIf you want to help support the show, you can do so by going to Patreon.com/woodtalk and signing up to become a patron of the show. Thank you Patrons.NewsMarc is schilling books at the St Louis Woodcraft (Green Rockler) on Saturday, February 3rd.Listener QuestionsAlex asks our thoughts on the Bullseye Borer doohickeyChris is looking for options in domestic hardwoods beyond the usual suspects.Nathan has a question about modern glues and their longevity as compared to animal based glues of days past.Rocco runs a machine shop for a school and asks how he might integrate a wood CNC into the school and curriculum.Ask Us a QuestionSend in questions via the contact form here on site or hit us up on IG at woodtalkshow or send us a voicemail using your phone voice memo app to woodtalkshow@gmail.comFinally you