Brew Theology Podcast

Episode 201 - Laudato Si' ("Praised Be") with Dr. Celeste Rossmiller - Part 1



Latin for "Praised Be," Laudato Si' is the name of Pope Francis' encyclical on caring for our common home — planet earth. Join us was we host Dr. Celeste Rossmiller to talk about all things Laudato Si', a groundbreaking Papal encyclical on climate and Catholic social teaching. Dr. Rossmiller shares the history behind this document, its impact on Catholicism and the world and large, and the call it fives for all humans to save the planet. We will have even more brewtastic knowledge to drop in Part 2. Dr. Celeste Rossmiller taught Comparative Religion at Regis University and Metropolitan State College. She is a member of Together Colorado and serves on the Climate Justice Committee. Dr. Rossmiller is a certified trainer for Laudato Si’ Laudato Si' - Laudate Deum - /// If you are a fan of any of our