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1022: Wayfinders: Join Epic Adventures, Build Deeper Connection, And Find Your Alignment in Life with Mike Brcic



Are you lost, stuck, or confused about your life? Numerous people struggle to find the answers that will help them in these dark times of their lives. Their most common response is to isolate themselves and be alone, thinking they can fight it themselves. But no man is an island. Thus, finding companions, a community, or your second family that will help you get out of the dark is critical. And that is what Wayfinders provides. Tori Ellis is a facilitator, speaker, entrepreneur, explorer, and founder of Wayfinders, a group dedicated to creating a tight-knit community of incredible entrepreneurs bonded by peak experiences and epic adventures in spectacular, remote locations around the world. Tori has a mission to help entrepreneurs build deep connections, find personal alignment, and run more fulfilling businesses. Join us in this wonderful conversation as Tori shares his experiences and knowledge about building deep connections, surrounding yourself with a mastermind group, and how to find your alignment i