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I Lost My Internet Connection! (What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong)



Chances are you've heard of at least one of the following things... Murphy's Law: anything that could possibly go wrong, at the worst possible moment, will probably happen Hope for the best and plan for the worst There are some things you can control, and other things you can't, so you need to be smart enough to know the difference I've run plenty of live webinars where the internet connection died part-way through. Pitches where the website simply wasn't working. Software demonstrations where the software simply didn't work in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. What if you woke up one day and your PayPal or merchant account was shut down, and all the money you had inside was frozen? What if one day your website was down? Or your computer didn't start up and everything on the hard drive was lost? Internet Connection = DOWN! I was in trouble. I was set to run a 1-hour pitch webinar the next day (to an audience of hundreds of attendees) and my internet connection died. It wasn't the first time. Th