Marketer Of The Day With Robert Plank: Get Daily Insights From The Top Internet Marketers & Entrepreneurs Around The World

Armand Morin from Big Seminar, Success Leaves Traces, and AM2 Talks Internet Marketing, Offline Seminars, Software, Online Memberships and Masterminds



Robert: Right now we are talking to Armand Morin who I would think is probably the most successful internet marketer that I have ever met, or that I have ever heard of. He used to run the big seminar which was the biggest and longest running seminar in the United States. He makes $20 million dollars a year. He has made over $100,000 million dollars online in sales. He's a great trainer, he does software, he does a MasterMind, he speaks on the stage. He has spoken from a 90 minute presentation and made $995,000 dollars in sales. We are going to talk to him today about how he got started, what he's doing and what he's doing right that you can apply in your own business today. What's up Armand? Armand: Hey Robert, thank you very much for having me. Robert: Glad to have you. On top of what I have already told everyone about you, what would you say that you do, pretty much? Armand: I would say, really my business is divided into two different things. Number one is teaching people how to market their businesses