School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#248 Can I Expect MORE from my Kids if my ADHD/Distracted Spouse Isn't Setting an Example?



"I am wondering if I can expect more from my kids than I expect from husband? He has ADHD so he "gets distracted" easily and spends hours a day looking at news stories with his phone. Can I expect my teens to go on a phone diet [aka device fast] even though my husband is a poor role model? My husband hates nagging, I realized early in our marriage, and we have argued many times in the past about me wanting to expect more of him. Tired of arguing, I got to the point of leaving him alone. However, my kids need to learn good habits so I wonder if I can do work with them despite my husband's negative habits?" A fantastic question to an all-too-common family problem. Can we expect our children to live to 'higher standards' than one of the parents in the family? That's what we address in the episode, using an example from our personal life, along with experiences working with clients. We also touch on why 'ADHD is a label that lies' and what's really going on instead