
PlanningXChange Broadcast 8 with Clay Lucas (journalist)



Clay Lucas writes for The Age covering urban affairs and transport. Clay discusses the difficulties obtaining information and the occasional pleasures of his profession. He discusses the interplay between the development industry, government including 'media advisors', interest groups and the public. The restrictions on access to information and the reluctance of parties to engage pose significant constraints on his reporting. Clay shines the light on areas that others wish to keep dark or at least gray. He also discusses the significant technological changes he has experienced in journalism and how he now contributes to a multi platform news agency. An interview of interest for those concerned about how urban planning is reported in the press which remains a primary source of citizen understanding of city change and the forces behind it.  Music: Intro - Breezy House by Qronix, Outro - Don't Sound Right by Qronix Podcast first released in June 2015, remixed November 2015. Further podcasts will be released on