
PlanningXChange Broadcast 1 with Chris Abery (retail economist)



Jess Noonan and Peter Jewell interview Chris Abery one of Australia's foremost retail / urban planning specialists. In a broad ranging interview Chris discusses 'clicks v bricks', disruptors, recent and future trends in the retail sector and how planning controls influence retail capital expenditure. Chris also discusses the increasing sophistication by which retailers gain an understanding of customer behaviour and entice spending. He discusses the continual role of traditional strip centres and where 'mall' shopping is heading.  Also new technologies influencing retail requirements and the spatial implications on city spaces. This is the first (pilot) Planningxchange (PX) broadcast. Remix November 2015. Intro - Sly Fox by Koan Sound Outro The Girls From Art School by RJD2. Future interviews will be released on a monthly basis. See the website for further details.