
Lesson 142 | Part 3: Children and change



Get the FREE newsletter! Do you think children generally find it difficult to accept change? I guess it depends on the nature of the change and a child's individual temperament. In my view, the unfamiliarity of new situations can make major changes very difficult to accept for most children. In your opinion, is a change of routine good for children? Yes, I believe a change of routine can be beneficial for children. It exposes them to different experiences, which fosters adaptability and crucial life skills such as problem-solving. However, the key lies in maintaining a balance because too much change too quickly might overwhelm a child. Do you think it takes a long time for children to adjust to a new school? The time it takes for children to adjust to a new school can vary significantly. Some children may adapt quickly, forming new friendships and becoming acclimatised within a short period. Others may require more time, especially if they face challenges in establishing connections o