Mba Executive Director Podcast

AI Letters From The Boardroom



Businesses have been implementing analytical AI models for nearly a decade. But few were ready for the advent of generative AI’s ability to conquer the creative activities long thought to be “quintessentially human.” GenAI holds the promise of automating entirely new domains of human activity—and it also evolves faster than prior technologies. In this AI revolution, where there is no “end state,” a company’s competitive advantage hinges on the rate of learning. Those able to learn fastest will not only reap the benefits of the today’s GenAI applications; they will also be poised to exploit the next wave of technological possibilities ahead of the competition. Francois Candelon, Managing Director and Senior Partner of BCG, has worked with senior leaders and boardrooms about digital transformation and will talk about how companies are approaching AI. This session is part of an AI Conference organised by CJBS MBA students.