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S3 E3: Look behind the Curtain, real time"boring meeting" Feb 12 2024



I made this offer a way to consider having your weekly meetings, a lot of people ask what we talk about during these, this was our agenda: --Ireland Trip brainstorm/planning (lets create some homework we can do whenever) -state of social media and sharing messages? (has the initial upset subsided?) -choose a date for painting z-office -time on early saturdays for writing/unicorn space/office building -Zach gets Saturday mornings till 11am -Thursdays, Zach will checkin with Alyssa about friday status, if i forget it default to the current situation -ideal morning routine w/cats, goats, me getting up early, 10:15 bed time -babysitter -weekly cleaning -A needs time to paint and decorate guest room -A needs garden boxes built -A garden boxes…YES, in March we will talk about how -A would like to discuss fencing around barn -rental - unit 2 lease ending 3/31 - email them to discuss -rental - need to fix drywall in 2nd unit closet - schedule or hire? (I’m guess will be a $200 handyman fix) -rental - thoughts on sec