Scott Thompson Show

Hamilton's budget has passed!



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: How much snowfall are we looking at, and how will we be affected? We get more from the neighbours of the GFL Landfill in Stoney Creek. Canada’s political leaders can’t dodge the need for NATO spending any longer. The Carbon Tax rebrand announced by Trudeau’s government is not winning over the people at the Canadians Taxpayers Federation. How do we approach the role of Artificial Intelligence in the classroom? Can we imagine a place for it? The LCBO identification card pilot has been scrapped. The LCBO was trying to address the problem of theft in their stores. This year’s budget has finally been voted on and it features some councillors voting for and against it much like last year. Let’s hunker down with your discount post-Valentine’s Day chocolates and catch up with Scott Radley. Guests: Anthony Farnell, Chief meteorologist, Global News Kathleen Morrison, Hamilton resident who lives near the landfill Campbell Clark, Chief Political Writer for The Globe and Mai