On Air With Ella

264: How to Create New Habits: What We're Doing Wrong & What to Do Differently



  How to create habits that work for you, and how to break those that don’t - for good. I'm sharing my formula for making and breaking habits, based on James Clear's Atomic Habits.    Why is it so HARD to change even when we want to? Behavior that is incongruent with the Self will not last Every action you take is a vote for the kind of person you want to become So, we must decide the person we want to be, then prove it to ourselves through small wins Identity emerges out of habits, so repetition is essential!              Easy, right?? All we have to do is change our identity. SO EASY.   Maybe not, but truly, there is a way - and that way is not nearly as difficult nor complicated as we might think.     This show originally aired in 2018 and remains one of my most impactful!        SHOW NOTES: www.onairella.com/post/264-create-new-habits      JOIN ME! 2022 LIVE BETTER | START NOW Retreat is ON SALE NOW!                                               CONNECT WITH ELLA @onairwith