On Air With Ella

040: Becoming a Supple Leopard - Dr. Kelly Starrett



Find all resources mentioned - and some really cool videos - at www.onairwithella.com What does it mean to "Become a Supple Leopard"? JULIA: I have a desk job and my husband is police officer. What are we supposed to do? What tips do you have for people who get up, drive to work, work, drive home and sit? PHILIP: I have a full time office job and I am a distance runner. Isn’t my activity level enough to balance out the sitting? JAKE: We now hear that “sitting is the new smoking.” Are we supposed to stand all day? SARAH: I hear mixed reviews on barefoot shoes. What’s your take on minimalist or barefoot shows for every day use and/or running? ELLA: What functional movements should every BODY at every age be able to do? JAMES: I fly a lot – at least 8x a month, and I’m not a superfit guy. I am not at all flexible. What tips do you have for me before, during and after plane travel? ELLA: What can people do to “perform basic maintenance” on themselves? Kelly Starrett is a coach, physical therapist, author, speak