Pastor Priji Varghese

Discerning the Supernatural (Mentorship)



Tune in for the mentorship session with Apostle Priji. And he covered below topics Purpose of Pursuit: Emphasizing the importance of pursuing God's presence and power for transformation, not just for personal gain or spiritual experiences. Understanding Spiritual Encounters: Exploring the significance of supernatural encounters in the context of divine assignments and spiritual growth, cautioning against seeking encounters without discernment. Accountability and Discernment: Highlighting the necessity of being rooted in the Word of God, accountable to mentors, and exercising discernment to navigate spiritual experiences effectively. Sufficiency in Weakness: Addressing the concept of finding strength in weakness, surrendering to God's grace, and understanding that God can use individuals despite their imperfections and limitations. Practical Application of Discernment: Providing practical advice on how to develop discernment, including surrounding oneself with discerning individuals, seeking guida