Crosstalk America

Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse



Dr. Richard Schmidt is the Pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and also heads Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is the speaker on the WVCY-TV program Prophecy Focus and the radio program Prophecy Unfolding. Prior to his current pastoral ministry, he spent 32 years in law enforcement including becoming Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County in 2017 until his retirement in 2019. He is the author of several books including the one being discussed today, Tribulation to Triumph- The Olivet Discourse.--For thousands of years, mankind has been fascinated with the question of what will happen in the future. For answers people turn to their local neighborhood palm reader shop. Some follow their daily horoscope. Psychics abound on many television channels, by telephone, and online. Just type the word -psychic- into a search engine and in half a second, 230 million responses will come up.--There is great interest in the future. However, one place that people have refused to look at is the pages of Scripture. Jesus Himself was