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How to Build Create Crack-like Offers To 2x-10x Your Leads with Alisha Conlin-Hurd



Alisha Conlin-Hurd, of Persuasion Experience, discusses the importance of crafting effective offers in marketing. She explains that an offer is what you put in front of someone to persuade and motivate them to take the next step with your business. ​Alisha emphasizes the need for a series of micro-yeses throughout the buyer's journey and highlights the three core offers in a funnel: the authority beacon, the lead generation offer, and the sales offer. She provides examples of how she has optimized offers for different clients, including a luxury home builder, a finance company, and a home care provider. Alisha also emphasizes the importance of research, strategy, and execution in creating successful offers and shares her perspective on failure and learning from it in marketing. So, grab your headphones and get ready for a Persuasion Experience that will leave you craving for more!Chapters:00:00:00 - Welcome to the Journey: Meet Alisha Conlin-Hurd!0006:46 - Marketing Dynasties: The Secret Sauce00:07:04 -