Crosstalk America

Living in the Daze of Deception



Pastor Jack Hibbs is senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, California. He's the author of the newly released book, Living in the Daze of Deception.--Pastor Hibbs began by pointing out that the word, -daze- in the title isn't a typo, it's deliberate as it came out of a sermon series that he did. As Jim noted, the first part of the book goes to great length to awaken the reader to the many kinds of deception that have many in such a daze in our time. --So who is he trying to target with his warning-- Pastor Hibbs responded by noting that initially the warning was meant for the church, but then the publisher noted that people were buying multiple copies. When he looked into it more he discovered that people have been buying these extra copies for non-believers. As he explained, you don't have to be a Christian to figure out that what's in this book is happening in your living rooms, neighborhoods, state and world.--He believes the elements of deception are everywhere. In other words, evil kno