Crosstalk America

The Bible’s Teaching on Self Defense



This Crosstalk featured guest Dr. David Brown. Dr. Brown is Pastor Emeritus of the First Baptist Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. He has a Masters in Theology and a Ph.D in History specializing in the history of the English Bible.--The United States Supreme Court has upheld that the Second Amendment to the Constitution is an individual right, yet there are many questions that people have. So if you're wondering, for example, if you can be pro-gun and pro-life, you'll want to review this important edition of Crosstalk as Dr. Brown brings clarity on these and other points of concern. For example----Was Jesus a pacifist----How do we deal with -Thou shalt not kill--- According to the Bible, when is killing not murder----Does Romans 12-19-21 mean that we're to just leave things up to God for vengeance every time-- What is the place of law enforcement in this----What is the difference between self-defense and vengeance----Does carrying a gun show a lack of trust in God----Listeners had Dr. Brown answer additional qu