Crosstalk America

Alex Newman Rally - "Exposing the Great Reset" Pt. 2



Last month, Alex Newman was the featured speaker at a VCY America rally in southeast Wisconsin. Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He's senior editor for The New American and contributes to other publications as well. He is author of Crimes of the Educators and Deep State- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is Founder of Liberty Sentinel.--In part 2 of this presentation by Alex, he discussed people like Yuval Harari -the author of the book Homo Deus- and others who believe we are acquiring divine powers and will become like God. --The Hebrews often times worshiped the things that they made and from what Alex explained, apparently things haven't changed much because the architects of the Great Reset seem to worship their creation of artificial intelligence which they hope will help get us to that point of being like God.--President Biden is quoted on food shortages and how they are on the way. No need to worry because the World