Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

2024 - Week 9 - Embrace Change



All the links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison Week 9 - Embrace Change You probably got up this morning and got dressed. You may have showered, brushed your teeth, eaten breakfast, driven to work, read the newspaper, and had a cup of coffee or tea. You have already been through at least six changes. Every moment is a new change, every second is different from the last one. Change is a natural part of the life cycle. Learning to embrace change is a major step toward peace of mind. Imagine seeing an old friend whom you loved dearly and giving him/her a loving hug. Think of this image the next time you have to handle a major change in your life.Picture yourself opening your arms and welcoming the opportunity to grow. Change will show up at your door regardless of how you feel about it. Learn to open the door and welcome your new friend, CHANGE, with a warm embrace. Practice: Think of all the things that change in one hour. If you are having difficulty accepting change, repeat the affirmation, “I am open and willing to