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1045: Cityside Capital: The Transformative Power of Real Estate Investing with Co-Founder and Managing Partner Tim Lyons



Do you want to transform your financial life and spend more time with your family? It is frustrating and exhausting to work for long hours–sacrificing the little time you have in this world together with your family. You feel this needs to be stopped, but the fear of leaving your current work and taking new opportunities is there. It’s normal to feel this way, but taking the first step and leaving out of your comfort zone–that’s where you’ll see what’s available to you and start to change your life. Tim Lyons is a podcast host, speaker, best-selling author, and the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Cityside Capital LLC, a real estate syndication and investment company that focuses on commercial real estate assets and helping both accredited and non-accredited investors gain exposure to the asset class. Listen as Tim tells the story of his journey from trading time for money to working long hours away from his family, prioritizing quality time with his kids, and building passive income streams through real