Scott Thompson Show

Doug Ford still ahead in the popularity race?



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: Doug Ford beating out Marit Stiles in the provincial political realm? Abacus says so. Are the Liberals not enthused about the pharmacare deal as the NDP? Hamilton is clearing a path to more “gentle density” by inviting triplexes and fourplexes into neighbourhoods where single-detached homes predominate. How are housing starts defined in Ontario? Cybersecurity incidents targeting municipalities are becoming more common, and it seems like Hamilton has become the latest victim. Funding for post-secondary education in Ontario. The government is expected to table its long-promised online harms legislation Monday afternoon, which they say is focused on primarily protecting children on the internet and not focused on restricting expression. Palestinian prime minister submits government’s resignation, a move that could open door to reforms. Guests: Eddie Sheppard, PhD, Vice President, Insights at Abacus Data Larry Di Ianni, former mayor of Hamilton Craig Cassar, Ward 12