Dear Daughters

Final Episode + Exciting NEWS!!



We have some exciting news to share here at the Dear Daughter’s Podcast. After 7 years, with so much gratitude, we have brought this podcast series to a close – and this is the final episode! Today, I sit down with Tori, one of the members of my team, and we reflect on the time I’ve spent on The Dear Daughters Podcast — some of my favorite memories, what I’ve learned, what I’ve loved, and what’s next. (And don’t worry! We have a new podcast that is live RIGHT NOW!!) SHOW NOTES Listen to the Simple Prayers Podcast or subscribe wherever you love to listen for weekly prayers. Become a Newsletter Friend and get weekly-ish encouragement and know about all the fun things coming in 2024. Join us Sundays at my home church, Austin Christian Fellowship, online or in-person. Stay at The Franklin our treasure in small town, Texas! Airbnb link here. Listen to more of Sara Davis Regan’s music. :)