Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Unlocking Relief: Navigating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Care



Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects one of the primary nerves in the wrist area. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. The leading cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is extra pressure on the median nerve at the wrist inside the tunnel. The extra pressure can come from swelling or inflammation of the contents inside the tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms include wrist pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. To better understand carpal tunnel syndrome and how to ease it, it’s essential to start by understanding the risk factors that increase the chances of irritation or damage to the median nerve. They include: Anatomic factors: When you have a wrist fracture or dislocation or arthritis that deforms the small bones in the wrist, you may experience an alteration in the space within the carpal tunnel and put pressure on the median nerve. Similarly, people who have smaller carpal tunnels are more susceptible to carpal tunnel