Amazing Fba

Mastering the Product Development Process: Building Strong Supplier Relationships



For e-commerce brand owners, scaling their businesses with limited capital is a constant challenge. While a fantastic product is crucial, bringing it to market at the right time and price is equally important. This is where building strong supplier relationships becomes essential. Reliable suppliers ensure timely delivery, meet quality standards, and offer competitive pricing, all of which are critical for success. Time Stamp [00:00:00] Introduction To The Podcast Episode About Developing A Product From Concept To Delivery. [00:02:30] Importance Of Focusing On The Product As The Heart And Soul Of The Business. [00:05:00] Discussion On The Concept Phase: Understanding The Market, Identifying Customer Needs, And Creating A Clear Brief. [00:08:45] Importance Of Defining The Product's USP (Unique Selling Proposition) And Value Proposition. [00:11:30] Transitioning From Concept To CAD Design And The Importance Of Collaboration Between Designers And Engineers. [00:14:00] Discussing The Prototyping Phase, Including