A Storm Of Spoilers - A Pop Culture Podcast

S1, E13: "Hearts and Minds" with Caroline Framke



Welcome to THE STORM: A Lost ReWatch Podcast! Where we watch a new episode of ABC's Lost every week and discuss it for newcomers and those returning to The Island. Half! Way! Through! Season! One! This week, Joanna, Dave, and Neil are rock gods for Season 1, Episode 13 "Hearts and Minds" - Some head goop and Mr. Clickity-Clack show up for an episode about Boone, Jack making the rounds, and Hurley learning how to get along with Jin. This week's interview is with Variety's Caroline Framke who is making her way though Lost for the very first time! Follow her on twitter @carolineframke and her TV writing at Variety!  This podcast is split into two sections THE CALM where we talk about just the episodes we've watched up to this point and do not discuss facts and knowledge from later in the series and THE STORM where make use of all the knowledge that 6 seasons of Lost and 15 years of Lost fandom has generated, plus our own crazy brains. Send your Lost comments to @StormPodcast on Twitter and e-mails to Ho