Parenting Beyond Discipline

#258: Is There Something Underlying Your Child's Behavior Challenges?



More children than ever, at younger and younger ages are experiencing moderate to severe mental health issues related to depression and anxiety. Childhood has been derailed for so many kids. Missed opportunities in social interactions has deeply affected many kids. This phenomenon hit close to home for Erin this past week and she shares her experience, what she noticed, signs your child's struggles may be more than a "stage" or just needing tweaks in your parenting approach and steps to take to get your child the help they need as soon as possible, even when many child therapist are overwhelmed with patients right now.Our Sponsors:* Check out Armoire and use my code PARENTING for a great deal:* Check out Homethreads and use my code PARENTING for a great deal:* Check out Puro Air : this podcast at — Inquiries: