Radio Free Sarawak

7 March 2024



On Today Show — Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA – GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue? —“Boss”, Fans and listeners of Radio Free Sarawak – Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging — Stephen from Long Selungo Baram – Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament? — Mr. Tuan from Niah – Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens? Topik Pada Hari Ini - Nicholas Mujah Ason, Setiausaha Agung SADIA - GPS Mahu Autonomi untuk Kawalan Alam Sekitar: Bertanggungjawab atas Isu Kandas Kayu Balak? - "Boss", Peminat dan pendengar Radio Free Sarawak - Penduduk Kapit Menantang Penafian Rasmi: Insis Kayu Balak di Sungai Katibas Disebabkan oleh Pembalakan - Stephen dari Long Selungo Baram - Bukankah ironis bagi Baram MP tiga penggal untuk berbicara tentang kekurangan pembangunan di Baram di Parlimen? - Encik Tuan dari Niah - Adakah pinjama