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1047: Make Your Money Last: Financial Planning for Your 50s and Beyond with Retirement Expert Richard Eisenberg



Retirement planning is essential for securing financial stability in later years. It involves assessing savings, investments, and retirement accounts to ensure they align with future goals and lifestyle needs. Seeking guidance from financial advisors and implementing strategies to maximize savings and minimize debt, can help individuals enjoy a comfortable retirement with peace of mind. Richard Eisenberg is a renowned retirement expert and longtime personal finance journalist. As the co-host of the Friends Talk Money podcast, Richard helps people navigate the complicated world of finances in their 50s and 60s. With over 40 years of experience in the field, he understands the unique challenges of planning for retirement and making savings last through one's golden years. Today, Richard talks about planning for your retirement, personal finances for those over 50, the meaning of ikigai, and more! Stay tuned! Resources Friends Talk Money Podcast Richard Eisenberg on LinkedIn