Black & White With You & Me

Ep157 - Popeye's over KFC, George Zimmerman walks again, Mike Pence suppresses Indiana voters and NC GOP HQ gets firebombed!



Today, in our Muthafucka Say What? segment, the #BWYM gang discusses the way NOT to woo Black voters, and we hope Senatorial candidate Jon Girodes of NY's 30th District in Harlem is listening. We also chat about another baffling jail sentence regarding the use of handguns that's been handed down in Florida and we ponder aloud about when George Zimmerman will finally GET HIS. We talk voter suppression in Indiana at the hands of Mike Pence's leadership, and the firebombing of a North Carolina GOP headquarters. OH, and the fact that Democrats immediately set up a GoFundMe page to help them rebuild. Because Dems get that being psychotic is not cool.