Black & White With You & Me

Ep90 - Hating Obama, Gun Control Town Hall Recap, Natural Born Citizen Ted Cruz?, MFSW – Maine Governor Racist Herion Statement



Today, Mike Casentini, Black Pedro and Rena-Marie Villano discuss the topics of the day, which includes a documentary Mike stumbled upon on television called Hating Obama, which is definitely not a good option for bedtime viewing, especially if you like Obama. We do a little response time for the recent town hall on CNN with President Obama relating to gun control. Is Ted Cruz a U.S. citizen? We put this one to bed once and for all. Finally, we close out the show with our segment, "Mutha Fucka Say What?" This time out, it's all about Maine's Governor, Paul LePage, with his clearly racist statements related to the heroin epidemic in his states and there's no apologies.