Life Well Dunn Podcast

Episode 34 with Dr. Matt Zanis



Welcome back to the Life Well Dunn podcast! It's been a hot minute since the last episode, with so many new life changes for me! I am super jacked up to welcome you all back with my guest, Dr. Matt Zanis. Dr. Zanis is a physical therapist in the Phoenix, Arizona area. With a 10 mile long resume, he may be best summed up as a connector of all things movement and life optimization. His work is currently focused on foot health and how it affects all of our movement, as well as developing self-awareness, relationships, and overall being a good human being. He works with many populations, from the US Olympic Shooting team, to joe-schmo's like myself. Give this episode a listen, rate, share, and subscribe on iTunes or any other platform. Dr. Zanis can be found on instagram @rootedinmvmnt. He'd love to hear from you! While you're there, hit me up @lifewelldunn and let me know what's going on, and if there are any guests or topics you might like covered! Cheers, Brian