Naturally Nourished

Episode 385: Reducing Exposure and Impact of Glyphosate



We’ve alluded to glyphosate and Roundup Ready GMO crops in many episodes but we haven’t taken the time to really dig deep and ensure our audience is well educated on true exposure, health risk, and most importantly that we are able to leave them empowered with how to use nutrients and food-as-medicine to defend against the likely exposure.   In today’s important episode we explain the molecular structure of glyphosate, its use in big ag, the impact on the human body, increases in exposure over these last two decades and most importantly what you can do to protect your body and your household. From fulvic acid and soil play, to rebooting your microbiome, to glycine supplementation, to broccoli sprouts and beyond we will cover how to be resilient from this man made disaster!    Also in this episode:  What Good Shall I Do Conference @ Roam Ranch Beat the Bloat Live Program Starts April 10th!  What is Glyphosate and How Does it Work?  Environmental ImpactAdverse impacts of Roundup on soil bacteria, soil chemistry