Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

"Create The Life You LOVE!"- Georgia Woodbine..."The Chat" w/ Chenika Bell



For many years, the author of Total BS Georgia Woodbine’s body went through a series of physical and emotional difficulties. There were many days and nights when she found herself doubled over in pain and feeling like and feeling like her appendix was bursting. The pain was excruciating and nothing would relieve it. After seeing various doctors, she was finally diagnosed with grapefruit size Fibroids and had to undergo intensive surgery to remove them. Going through this ordeal empowered her to be an active advocate for women’s health.   This ordeal inspired her to get in the best shape of her life mentally, physically and spiritually. Georgia Woodbine shares proven self-discipline techniques for a healthier lifestyle including: meditation, changing your diet, balancing your life, keeping healthy habits and the power of positive thinking.    This system is proven, clear-cut and compelling.  Get ready to embark on this life-changing journey and discover empowering techniques to get the body you want and at