Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

Weds Aug 10, 2016- How To Stop Binge Eating & Mastering LinkedIN



Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. is a veteran psychologist and long time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm which has serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer the overweight and/or food obsessed male, Dr. Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of binging and overeating via work with his own patients AND a self-funded research program with more than 40,000 participants. Most importantly, however, is Dr. Livingston's own personal journey out of obesity and "food prison" to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food. Mike Shelah is a LinkedIn made-man! He is a sales pro who rocketed his way to the top thanks to effective networking skills. Mike teaches others how to harness the power of LinkedIn. Infectious, enthusiastic, and practical; Mike’s personal story and professional experience reaches listeners to motivate and propel them to success Guest Cohosts : The The Rulz