Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

July 27, 2016- Toastmasters- Removing The Stigma of Mental Illness- Get Out Of The Dumpster



Charles Gates. Charles is the District Director for District 66 (greater Virginia) in Toastmasters. He's the #1 ranking officer in the District. Perry Neal is the Club Growth Director for the District. He is the #3 ranking officer in the District. Perry is responsible for marketing Toastmasters in the District, finding new club opportunities, getting new members, and helping struggling clubs get back up to strength. They will explain how effective Toastmasters can be in developing Speaking & Leadership skills. Dr. Reggie R. Padin’s mission is all about helping people overcome their “Dumpster Moments” and go beyond their limitations. An award-winning speaker, his story has inspired many to believe in themselves and recognize their God-given potential. In his first book, "Get Out Of The Dumpster! A True Story on Overcoming Limitations," Dr. Padin narrates how he went from being a high school dropout, working for pennies hauling garbage by hand out of a dumpster, to become a successful educ