Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

Weds July 6, 2016, “It’s All About Relationships” & Special Guests David Mann & company of “Meet Th



Fun Loving Couples is a community for committed couples who like to travel, eat well, workout and have fun. Did you know that complacency is the silent killer of relationships? But it doesn't have to be that way. Your relationship with your spouse or partner can (and should) be loving, fulfilling, comforting, confident, exciting! Charles and Linda were high school sweethearts both coming from the proverbial broken home. But they vowed early on in their relationship to stick it out through thick and thin no matter what. Almost 30 years later Charles and Linda's marriage THRIVES having weathered the storms of marriage, kids, businesses, homes, finances, family issues, you get the picture and with their latest venture FLC, they love to speak about those issues that can "get in the way" of marriage and partnerships. Dr. Matthew Anderson will share how to create a world class romantic relationship that lasts a lifetime for both singles and couples. You will learn that romantic love is