Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

Superwoman Complex: I'm every woman



Are you a victim of the “Superwoman Complex”? Alarm clockHop in the showerWorkoutFix the family breakfastPrepare for today’s meetingMake sure the kids have their homework and are ready for schoolPack lunchesGrab brief & work materialsDrop kids off to school or get them on the busGrab a cup of coffee and some office snacks for the meetingRush into workCheck work email before meeting and tackle some of the stack of work on your deskWas the PTA meeting rescheduled for this week?Is soccer practice today? Is it your time to carpool and be team mom?Did you turn the stove off?Who called out sick and now you have to present thier part of the presentation?Call from school; one of the kids is sick  . . . . Sounds familiar? Even if someone told you to balance your schedule and practice meditation to relax, these would just be additional things to add to a never ending list. HELP! Help is on the way! Join us for our November 29th episode of Let’s Face It as we expose tips, techniques and strategies for a balanced li