Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

Living Beyond your Limitations!



Ever feel as if you are fighting an uphill battle? Or perhaps you feel as if you were born with the cards stacked against you? Well, after you listen to this show, you will have a different perspective and walk away transformed. Tawana Williams, The Adversity Expert & Hope Coachas well as Les Brown Platinum speaker teachers others how to live a life with “No More Excuses.” Born with no arms, Tawana has overcome many obstacles and has never let her disability stop her. Today she is an Award winning, Internationally known Motivational Speaker, TV Personality, Author, Artist, Mother, Wife, Advocate, Vocalist, Businesswoman, Mentor, Humanitarian & CEO. She’s a highly sought after keynote speaker with a powerful and uplifting message for people of all walks of life.  www.TawanaWilliams.com Director Domingo Guyton is the President of HOPE Multimedia Company. The mission of the company is to create, produce and promote expressive art based on Christian principles that uplifts, educates and positively impac