Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

The Cost of Beauty: The Quest for Perfection



Let’s Face It, when most of us look in the mirror, we are not 100% happy with what we see. The human body is asymmetric so imperfections can be found and some are more apparent than others. As much as a person has the right to exercise to improve their physical look and health, the same applies with plastic surgery which can change a person’s entire outlook and well-being. According the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), in 2014: The top five cosmetic procedures were: breast augmentation, nose reshaping, liposuction, eyelid surgery and faceliftNot in the topic five but of noticeable gains were male breast reduction, tummy tuck and dermabrasionFacial rejuvenation procedures experienced the most growth, as 2014 marked the highest number of botox injections to date: 6.7 million injections!Tumor removal is overwhelmingly the top reconstructive procedure performed every year with more than 4.4 million procedures in 2014 So since everyone seems to be indulging one way or another, let’s talk about it! Wha