Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

Blurred Lines: What do the Political Parties stand for?



Blurred Lines: What do the political parties stand for? Hillary Clinton, Jed Bush or Donald Trump: are you just as confused as most of America? There use to be a time where the parties and their platforms were clear--Republican, Democrat or Independent. Today there is so much in-fighting and skirting around the issues that many voters either vote based on their family's chosen party or not at all. Join us next Sunday, May 31st at 8:30 pm EST for an open discussion with representatives for various political parties. We will discuss each parties platform, their plan of action and why each representative feels you should vote for that party. Listen in at letsfaceitradio.com or 1-733-955-0793 and press "1" to be live on air or ask your own questions. Also, visit our Facebook community page to review the current articles and discussions concerning this week's topic:  https://www.facebook.com/LetsFaceItRadio