Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

Inclusion- Affirming the LGBTQ Community Into Your Church!



  A Man approached a Parishioner and said: “Can I come to your church? I'm gay." If not, why? Are Christians afraid of what others might think, say or do? Are they afraid they might somehow disobey or disappoint God by loving and welcoming gay people into their faith communities? If that were the case, I couldn’t step foot in the church—because I am a sinner. It’s not that I was a sinner. I am a “notorious sinner” who is immersed in the grace Jesus sacrificed His life to provide for me—just like every Christ-follower.   Millions of gay people around the world are also deeply religious. In some of the major religions, lay organizations have grown up to help serve LGBT parishioners who might struggle to reconcile their identities with the teachings of their faith traditions.  As public support for marriage equality continues to increase, support for the LGBT community within religious bodies is also on the rise.  Our guests this evening come with different perspectives on why they support or do not