Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

The End Of The World!?!?!



“End of Times?” Are we truly living in the last days? What are the signs and what should we watch out for? Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh will answer these questions and more. Dr. Joye has written six books and one abridged and updated audio edition as well as an album of 12 original songs. These include: "ANTICHRIST The Cloned Image of Jesus Christ" (December 1999), "Colours of Joye" (August 1975), "EDEN The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (December 2006), and AUDIO "EDEN The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (Updated and Abridged Edition), (January 2009). "Before Time Stops" (Album-2010); "BEGUILED Eden to Armageddon Volume One" (September 2013); Volume Two (October 2013); Volume Three (November 2013). "ANTICHRIST The Cloned Image of Jesus Christ" was a best seller at Armageddonbooks.com reaching #1 in the TOP TEN BEST SELLERS for 2008, 2009 and January, February, March, May, June, July and August 2010. This book is no longer in print. Dr. Joye's album &