Liquid Church

The True Meaning Of Generosity | The Way Part 4



Do you have a heart of generosity? Generosity is a concept that goes beyond just giving money to others, but speaks to the core of our faith and relationship with God.  When we turn to the Bible, we learn that generosity isn’t about the amount you give, it’s the attitude and sacrifice behind your gift. In a story known as the “the widow’s mite,” we see Jesus observing people as they give their offerings at the temple. While many wealthy individuals made grand gestures, Jesus noticed a poor widow quietly offering just two small coins, which was all she had to live on. Jesus emphasizes that true generosity stems from the heart, not from abundance, but from a willingness to trust God completely. So, what’s your attitude toward giving? Are you merely tipping God, or are you giving sacrificially, trusting in His provision?  The principle of tithing, giving the first 10% of our income back to God, isn't about legalistic rules but about demonstrating our faith and trust in God's abundance. By embracing a