Intelligent Medicine

Intelligent Medicine Radio for March 9, Part 2: Yogurt as Hedge Against Type 2 Diabetes



NYU doctor dies of anaphylactic shock after deadly food allergens not disclosed at Disney eatery; Pharmaceutical company fined $264 million for lifesaving Epi-Pen price-gouging; Nasal spray alternative to injectable epinephrine canceled over efficacy concerns; How microbiome imbalances predict food allergy susceptibility; Alternatives to expensive creams for bothersome skin rashes; Is krill oil compatible with blood thinners like Eloquis? Continuous glucose monitors cleared for over-the-counter sale without prescription; Hawthorne for congestive heart failure; Can high-dose vitamin D forestall juvenile onset diabetes? Microplastics and heart disease; FDA issues “qualified health claim” for yogurt as hedge against Type 2 diabetes.