Go Green Radio

America’s Energy Security: From the frontlines to the pipelines…



Can you imagine spending your entire adult life as a United States Marine or Sailor, protecting the shipping lanes for foreign oil that Americans crave? Or how about trying to run a company like FedEx with ever-fluctuating gasoline prices? What if these people came together to ensure that future American military members would never have to fight for the energy we need to fuel our economy, and American businesses would forever have clean, reliable, affordable, domestic energy with which to run their companies? Good news…they have come together, and Robbie Diamond joins us on Go Green Radio to explain. Robbie is the President & CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) – www.secureenergy.org - , and the Electrification Coalition – www.electrificationcoalition.org -, both nonpartisan, not-for-profit groups of business and four star military leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in order to combat the economic, environment