Hr Trends With Game Changers, Presented By Sap

Technology for Good or Not: Destroying jobs and lives?



The buzz: Technology at work. The debate rages on about how technology affects jobs and the people who do them. With each advancement, tech often creates highly skilled and low-skilled positions, and eliminates semi-skilled roles. Dumping people into the economy who cannot compete for jobs does not nurture a stable society. Who wins? Who loses? How is your company re-skilling the lost workforce? And where will it all end? The experts speak. Charles M. Firestone, Aspen Institute: “My father had one job in his career; I will have seven; my son will have seven at one time.” (Robin Chase, Zipcar) Bill Briggs, Deloitte Consulting: “’I’d rather light a candle than curse your darkness’ from Raising Arizona, is a great complement to William Gibson’s ‘The future is already here…it’s just not evenly distributed.’” Dr. Steven Hunt, Success Factors: “In a future filled with robots, we will still want people to hold our hands.” Join us for Technology for Good or Not: Destroying Jobs and Lives?