Voltcast: Illuminating Leadership

Cultivating the Invisible Leader-Finding Purpose at Work



Studies have found that people who live, lead and work with purpose live up to 7 years longer, are 42% more likely to experience contentment in life and at work, and are four times more likely to be engaged in their jobs (Gallup, 2013; National Institutes of Health, 1998; New York University, 2015). In addition, organizations who have a strong sense of purpose are more profitable and outperform the market 6:1 (Deloitte, 2014). But what is purpose and how do we awaken it in both life and work? Please join Jeff Smith and Zach Mercurio at 1pm EDT on 3/21 as they discuss defining your purpose, creating meaningful work experiences and creating a leadership style that allows others to find purpose and meaning in your organization.